What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is an individualized treatment program prescribed to prevent or improve the development of certain vision problems, such as crossed eyes (strabismus), lazy eyes (amblyopia), or to help a person learn or enhance specific vision performance skills. Such skills include eye movement control, eye focusing, eye coordination, visual information processing and teamwork between the two eyes.

Vision therapy is for children or adults.

Visual skills are developed, like in any training. They are improved through therapeutic techniques, where visual tasks need to be practiced under controlled conditions. Repetition of theses tasks enhances vision by coordinating and improving eye movement, improving focusing ability and by straightening the alignment of the eyes.

Vision therapy has proven to be very effective for many problems that cannot be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses alone. Patients who are willing to follow instructions and treatment do significantly better and show much progress toward more efficient and comfortable vision.




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